Mermaid Jules eats Japanese Candy made from Seaweed 😱

What do mermaids eat? Seaweed snacks of course!

These vegan, gluten-free candies are made from seaweed! Misaky Tokyo offers a variety of unique flavors, each named after a gemstone and hand-crafted to look like a beautiful piece of jewelry (no molds used!)

The texture is a crisp, crystal sugar crunch with a soft, rich gummy center. According to the company, it takes a week for the whole process to condense the flavor – and I’ll tell you it is BOLD!

Here are all the Candy flavors, I tried the ones denoted with a “*”

  • Jade (Matcha)*
  • Ametrine (lavender mango)*
  • Amber (Yuzu Yuzu peel)*
  • Red Beryl (Hibiscus Cranberry)*
  • Phantom (Rose water & dried rose)*
  • Amethyst (Blueberry and pussy willow)
  • Spessartine Garnet (Acerola and strawberry)
  • Ruby (Passion fruit Dragon fruit)
  • Sky Blue Topaz (Lavender)

These specialty seaweed candies are a must-try for any mermaid & make a perfect gift! Order at the link below and use my code JULES5 for a discount!

SAVE 5% with coupon: JULES5

on your Misaky.Tokyo Seaweed Candy Order