Feed the Shark

Floating Bean Bag Toss

This super cute Inflatable Shark Bean-Bag-Toss is the perfect ice breaker game! It can be played from the pool’s edge or while swimming so I usually like to open with this game while kids are arriving to the party, putting on sunscreen etc. The shark shape makes this game perfect for any mermaid party, backyard luau, or under-the-sea splash! Swap out the heavy bean bags that come with it, for these rainbow narwhal rubber duckies for a more magical look at mermaid parties!

Supplies you will need:

  • 1 Inflatable Bean Bag Toss Toy
  • Extra Rubber Ducks or other soft, small kids toys for tossing
    • I don’t even use the bean bags my toy came with due to their weight. I like the toys to be as soft as possible because your chances of being hit are highly increased when you’re holding the target! 

How to Play:

Inflate the Shark toy and set it in the pool. Have the kids line up along the edge of the pool and give each child 3 toys to toss. One at a time, ask each child to “feed the shark” by attempting to  toss their toys into the shark’s mouth. 

You can let the shark float freely or you can push it closer or further from each child to make the game easier or more challenging. For the youngest kids, I like to hang onto the inflatable shark and play a game of “catch” where I try my best to push the shark in the right direction to make sure the child lands at least one shot!

Once all the toys have been tossed, you can have the kids hop in the pool to collect the toys and try again or I usually gather up the toys as the game is played to have them ready for the next round.