Enchanting Waterfall Mermaid videos await!
I am a waterfall chaser, guilty as charged! In fact, my husband even proposed to me at a gorgeous waterfall in Tennessee, so waterfalls will always be near and dear to my heart. Yes, over the years, we have done our fair share of waterfall chasing: me playing mermaids (quite literally) in the falls and Anthony taking my pics at each one! Here is a collection of some of my favorite waterfalls we’ve visited over the years; and I love how the mermaid tails and accessories change over time!
Cumberland River Trail Mermaid Plays near the Falls – Kentucky
Somewhere along the Justin P. Wilson Cumberland Trail, you may just come across a waterfall mermaid! The Cumberland Trail is a hiking path which runs along (& over) a nearby river. The river flows steadily, tumbling over rocks in its path and spilling into small falls where stacked boulders form tall ledges. You can hear the relaxing sounds of running river water from the trail, but if you hear singing coming from the river you may have company. Journey to the water’s edge and you may just meet the mermaids of the falls!
Here you can see one of the taller ledges along the Cumberland River. A mermaid sits atop the waterfall, splashing the cool refreshing water towards you!
Rainbow Waterfall Mermaid – Denny Cove Falls, Tennessee
What if the treasure waiting at the end of a rainbow was actually a mermaid?! This waterfall at Denny Cove is by far one of the most magical falls I have ever been to! When the sunlight hits the water just right, a rainbow can be seen in the waterfall!I like to imagine that on bright days when the rainbow appears, mermaids can be found splashing in the rainbow falls!
Lush Tropical Waterfall Mermaid – Road to Hana, Maui
Along the Road to Hana in Maui, you will enter deep into a lush tropical forest! There are several waterfalls on the Road to Hana. If you are lucky you may even get to see a mermaid at one!
This video was filmed on my Maui Birthday Trip which you can read more about here! We had previously stopped at a beach, where I picked up a fallen white Hawaiian flower from the sand and placed it in my ear. I wore it for the rest of the day, including to this mermaid shoot we filmed at the waterfall. It was busy at the falls so we had to be patient between shots, but thanks to human kindness, I was gifted the red ginger flower, which I think added the perfect finishing touch to the shot.
This Little Mermaid is gonna Keep Chasing Waterfalls!
I absolutely love discovering new waterfalls to visit and film at! Let me know your favorite waterfall in the comments, I’d love to visit it some day!
If you enjoyed these waterfall mermaid videos, you may also enjoy my collection of Ocean Mermaid Videos here!
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