Carried Away
Mermaid Modeling Pose #10
“Carried Away” requires a strong partner, but the beauty of this pose is that it can typically be captured naturally at the beginning, end, or during a photoshoot- if you need to be lifted & moved by hand.
This is because the Classic “Carried Away” Pose is also the most common method of mermaid transportation!
How to:
The base should help the mermaid model to stand up, then place one arm under the model’s arm supporting her back, and the other arm should scoop & lift the model at her knees. If the model is in a silicone tail, the base should be prepared for some wobbly weight shifting movements from the fluke that they’ll have to account for to balance.
Another option is “Thrown Over the Shoulder”.
The base can squat down and hug the model’s legs, while the model leans forward, resting their upper body on the shoulder & back of the base. The base must keep their core engaged and lift through their legs to return to a standing position.

The next level to this pose would be “ON the Shoulder.”
The base must squat to a point where the mermaid model can actually SIT on the base’s shoulder! It is helpful if the mermaid has something safe and sturdy to stand on that brings their hips as close as possible to being level with the base’s shoulders.
“Kiss the Girl”
This last Carried Away pose will be a perfect segue into next week’s Extreme Poses as it requires a great amount of strength and preferably the lightest tail possible! From the “Thrown Over the Shoulder” pose, the model should lift her fluke up bending at the knees.The base should stack the mermaid’s shins on his forearms and lock his elbows at a 90* angle at his hips. The mermaid can hold onto the base’s shoulders as she sits up to center her weight onto his forearms. I call this pose “Kiss the Girl” due to the romantic silhouette it creates.
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