A Mermaid Performer’s Guide to Hosting the Best Kids Pool Party Games

If you’re an aspiring mermaid party performer, you’ve probably wondered- what do mermaid performers do at a kid’s pool party? As a professional party performer of 9+ years, I can confidently tell you that I spend the majority of my time (60-80% of a mermaid party) playing games with the kids in the pool. I bring along a big bag full of mermaid & under-the-sea themed pool toys that I use to host group challenge pool games & races.

My Favorite Pool Games to Host as a Mermaid Performer at a Children’s  Pool Party

Today I am going to share with you a list of my favorite pool games that I host at almost every kid’s mermaid party that I’m hired for! I typically do not bring along prizes for the kids to win; instead I host non-competitive games or host each competitive activity as a group challenge, that way a whole team wins each game, rather than a single player. The games are all fast-paced so it’s easy to play a couple of rounds with the kids. By the 2nd or 3rd round of each game, the kids are practically pros and ready to move on to the next one! Each pool party game below is / *will be* linked to the full description & game rules for your quick reference!




  • Mermaid Says  —  Coming Soon

Pool Toy Ideas for your Mermaid Party

Here are some fun pool toys available on amazon that you may choose to bring along to your next mermaid gig! I keep most of these toys in my mermaid party bag to be used for the aforementioned pool games.